Tuesday, November 06, 2007

What did I do this summer?

As often is the case with wonders, a wonderful summer is a culmination of a multitude of factors. Repressed anguish at the cold, damp weather finally starts bubbling over, only to be transformed by the Sun into a torrent of enthusiasm. The recovering Sun's promise of an unwavering relationship is taken with a pinch of salt, yet ideas that were biding their time, begin to send roots into the fertile soil that is just beginning to warm. The herald of summer starts working his magic and these ideas, now more confident, poke their heads above the ground.

In due course, as the summer makes its grand entrance, ideas that have blossomed through the spring need a timely harvest lest they wither away.

What blossoms graced my life this summer you ask? And I say, I discovered the great outdoors. Camping, trekking and visiting the beautiful parks in the Pacific Northwest made me fall in love with this region.

I say that photography gave me insights into how art could be meaningful, enabling me to try and capture the beauty in nature and experiences.

I say that I was reminded of the inherent fun in the dynamics of a large group of friends. This was a wholly unexpected gift though. Such blossoms grow with lots of good fortune; with seeds you never knew you sowed.

I say that I was surprised with how much I miss the culture that I grew up in. Food, festivals, songs, language and the people who enjoy these things and wish to preserve them, define culture for me. This was a blossom that I can't claim any right of ownership to. I was just lucky that I had the good sense to recognize its value.

Lastly, I say that this was a summer of discovery and realisation. A bouquet was formed that I hope will never wither. Each blossom should draw its strength from the others and all of them should draw their strength from me.

My strength, in turn, depends on having more summers like this one.

1 comment:

Viraj Datar said...

if u had written ur english essays in school as good as this one, we would be seeing you top the state in english!!!

your blog post "was all about giving, and receiving and sharing and holding....":) :) but dude, yes, fortunes of companionship are never results of planned investment, but are rather joys of a unexpected windfall....